Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bored? Solutions.

**Sorry! Really long.** Really bored? Me too. Remedy? ... I don't have one. But I do have techniques that might help a little bit: - sing to yourself (listening to see if you can stay on key, or hit that low/high note, trying to improve yourself.) - stretch. (It doesn't take long and it opens your blood flow up, helps you feel more awake.) - try to remember important lessons or times in your life - or important people and why they are/were important to you. - write the silliest, grammatically correct sentence (which I would love to read, btw) and the most profound, grammatically incorrect (or correct) sentence (I would also love to read this one!) - plan a get-together with your friends. (This one really helps with looking forward to something!) - if you have no friends, plan a dinner with your mom/cat/computer. Just kidding. Sort of. But seriously, if you have nothing to do with anyone, go learn an instrument from someone, or take a class, or learn a martial art, or join a club. (That's more for those of us who are living "boring" lives, rather than those who are just "bored right now") - memorize something worth knowing. - practice something worth doing. (Like stretches for your gym/martial art class) - think about your worst memory, write it down, then think about your best memory, write it down, and think about why each was bad/good and who you became because of those. (If you're afraid to think about the bad, that's ok. I am too.) - write a bad poem. - draw a strange wonderland of stick people. Why? Why the crap should I try to not be bored?? I'm just going to be bored again! Because: 1. since God is a God of purpose, nothing you do is a waste. 2. Love - which is something everyone wants and is commanded to give to others - is, at it's most practical out working, an act of self discipline (arguable, I know - but here's an example: husband loves his wife, so he speaks kindly to her / does the dishes / gives her something she likes that he had to work for / learns to love what she loves / forgives her even if he's hurt / lets go of his pride and honor and asks for his own forgiveness.) 3. Learning to do what you don't want to do, but ought to do, is more rewarding than doing what you want to do but ought not do. 4. Boredom never ever bring peace or joy. Because boredom is rooted in selfishness, and selfishness never ever bring peace or joy. Note: I am currently bored. And I wish that I was more self disciplined enough to do these things. ... I'm trying.

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