Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Shout Out to My Nieces!

So many special moments today, just hanging with my babies. We played bubbles.... We rode bikes to the park ... We swung on swings, slid down slides, we feed the ducks at the dock pond... Got ice cream at the ice cream parlor . My favorite part was when some brat (the b word) tried to tell Devers she couldn't go down a slide because they were going up it, and "she better go find another slide if you know what's good for you". Before I had a chance to jump in and tell that b word 9 old about herself, CARISSA jumped in and let her know she better move because dev was that first, and that she was rude. Proudest mommy moment watching the oldest protect the youngest. Being the mature adult that I am, I screamed after that B :"you are very rude and disrespectful. If I knew where your mother was we would be having words" After words, when I haD them a speech about how to handle bullying, Carissa pipes up and said "well I'm not going to let someone treat my sister like that, ever!!!" Way to go honey--reminds me of how I am with Rachel, to this day. [as posted by] ~ Christy Simon

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