Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Episode 4

It is on this day that Our Hero battles his ultimate Nemesis!! Will the evils of the early hours of the morning truly find victory over our beleaguered champion of truth and justice?! It was with great remorse that Our Hero bid a truly heart felt 'fare thee well' to his beloved bed. It was at this time that the diabolical lord Early-Morning strikes Our Hero! Say it tis not so! While Our Hero is at his weakest!? Does the cruel ire of Early-Morning know no limits!? With humble trepidation Our Hero attempts the impossible task of fixing himself breakfast! (Could he be a braver warrior of the dawn?!) But lo! The confounding lord Early-Morning strikes Our Hero with a curse of groggy forgetfulness! While fixing himself a lovely and noble cup of tea, Our Hero forgot a crucial ingredient! Let it not be! Well after naught could be done about said ingredient Our Hero tentatively sips said succulent sweet ... uh.. beverage. (I have no word that I can think of that starts with "s" for drink, ok?) And with vehemence he bellows his rage at the very victorious lord Early-Morning! For, while remembering clutch ingredients such as half-n-half and sugar (ran out of honey ), Our Hero forgot the dang freaking TEA BAG!!!! YES! It was boiling, sugary, half-n-half infused, hot water which burned the tongue of Our Hero this morning!! The battle Our Hero raged this morning against lord Early-Morning was well fought. But it is with humble honesty that Our Hero admits his most wounding defeat to a fiend of such ferocious fervor. While still suffering the sting of a singed and sore tongue, the greater wound is the lose of such a glorious goblet of goodness, aka the cup of tea. Next time, lord Early-Morning, next time.

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