Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Riddle time!

Ok, I'm actually really curious... "Ask me no questions, I'll tell ye no lies." I'll give you wisdom from above, yet mortal words am I. Advice is easy, actions then the test. The wisest of the wise, his words I am, the strongest of strong, can you follow them? Role from the tongue, and comes easy to most, Short and sweet oft am, yet sharp daggers and pointed can be. I sway nations when the lords heed my voice. By me, children are raised up - it's your choice: Will I be as pearls to the swine to you? A horse led to water yet does not drink? Wise, yet simple, easy but so difficult, what am I?


  1. Just letting yo know I'm reading these!!!

    1. awesome! thank you!

      ... so, i tried to go to your blog site, ... i would love to know who you are! :)
